watch this!! --> LIVE TV RESTORATION: Twelve Angry Men - Studio One (Original 1954 Broadcast)
short and dreamy tokusatsu film, an ethereal atmosphere with a pace that feels like walking through someone else's memories. the costumes are to die for, both the suit designs and human attire. set in an apocolyptic world that follows an anti-hero that subverts the hero trope. also it's set in jesus town
current link to a fantranslation, which is very well-written, a joyful read of a consuming plot. gameplay is an early rogue-like dungeon crawler, i would really praise it... if you need help with the patch try contacting me on one of my linked social medias. I can see if I can put together a picture guide for you. I think it's worth a little bit of labour to get this old game to work.
a game where eveyone fucking hates you, even the developers. you select from a cast of 3 protagonists with widely varying stances on the morality of certain actions, as they attempt to save a town that has been hit by a plague. there is a new game with much improved gameplay, but the narrative is very incomplete with a completely different tone. if you don't want to play a game set on torturing you, you can get a good experience by watchinf someone else being beaten to death by it's mechanics, and still enjoy what I consider to be a thoughtful story that explores the downfalls of approaching the same problem with either a mindset of tradition, modernity, or idealism